Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How would I be remembered?

The problem with my facebook page is that a person would only learn mostly superficial things about me. They would know what my favorite movies and music was, but they would not really know what my personality is really like at heart. Some of my most meaningful and deepest parts of my personality are put on the setting that only allows me to see them. Actually, most of the stuff that truly is who I am, I hide because I’m paranoid of people thinking of me differently or getting to know more then I want them too. For example, by looking at my facebook my cousins would have never known that I know how to party, but at the same time some people don’t know that I have a serious sided. Those are usually the people I don’t hang out with. If someone based a eulogy based on my facebook page, it would be about how sarcastic and how much of a jerk I am, which is not the case at all. That is why if I died I hope someone would be able to find my “black book”, which is infamous among those who know me for containing my deepest thoughts, ideas, and plans. 
The problem is there is no one person that has been or knows about everything in my life. The problem with me is that I only reveal bits and pieces to every crowd I hang around. There are only a select few who know my personality, but even they don’t know every single detail about all the things I have done or aspire to do. I have never meant to be “shady”, but my uncle hit it on the head when he gave people an analogy about me. He said that I’m a buyer. I sit in the conversation and just watch and read others’ personalities. I don’t sell like everyone else, that is why I can read people and it would be impossible for anyone to write about MY life! Obviously, I don’t think it is at all possible to accurately write about someone else’s life unless they sat down and spoke with the person about their life directly.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dylan, after reading your blog post I realized that we both agree on the fact that it is difficult to ever truly know a person. The only way to give an accurate and detailed account of someones life is through direct contact, and most of the time that does not happen. I also realized that the both of us are similar in another way. You mentioned that you can read others well, because of your ability to sit back quietly and listen. I am the same way, instead of speaking out and gathering attention, I would rather watch others and keep to myself. Therefore, I feel like I can relate to your situation and its nice to know that others are the same way.
