Friday, January 13, 2012

In class writing prompt

“Cost” is a widely used word today especially applied to finance. However, on a more basic level, when I think of cost, it means that something is going to be traded or given away. Cost could be a person’s life, or perhaps resources and labor. Everything in this world costs something. Going to school doesn’t just cost me money, but also my time and patience that I will never get back, hence the use of “cost”. Cost does have a negative meaning and when I think of it, I think of something that I need or want being taken away.
The feeling I have now compared to the beginning of my freshman year is a little more comfortable. I feel much more at ease and confident in school, especially knowing that last semester the only thing that held me back was laziness. Now I feel motivated for school, but I still have to deal with home life. Emotionally, I do not feel as great or confident as I do here in school or specific classes for that matter. I am just worried that my dream will not be achieved and I am just too inferior to everyone else out there. Physically I am trying to be at my top prime in my life. The only things stopping me are busy schedule and unexpected tasks on some days. My financial health is getting better because I’m taking matters completely into my hands and doing what I have to do to make things work.
Lately, my relationship with my dad has been bothering me and distracting me from more important things like school and just my regular thinking. I only feel overwhelmed when I don’t know where to go to do my homework, or I know I have a big assignment and I don’t want to go home.
Back in high school, we were told that those years would be the time of our life. For most kids it really was the time of their lives and some wish they could relive their high school days. I on the other hand just want to forget those days, not because they were bad, but they were boring and I really didn’t like my high school. However, it isn’t college itself that makes this time for me the time of my life, but my time out of school and what I do when I’m out of my work/study mode. Lately, I have had my own revelation to just live! I used to be held back because I was too young or something, but now I get to do whatever I want. I only have one shot at this life, and I will take whatever opportunities arise.
Honestly, I could always study more. I don’t really think it is totally laziness, but just lack of motivation. Also, in some situations I just have other things come up when I need to study. Many of my friends know how busy I can get in the blink of an eye. I feel like I come to class unprepared about 45% of the time.
Yes, I usually feel bored in my business and economics classes, but most of the time my writing and public speaking class force me to be involved and keep me interested. I do not feel like the university is necessarily at fault, but I feel like it falls more on the subject matter and professor themselves. However, if someone has an outgoing professor like I did for math last semester, you really can’t get bored. He always cracked jokes and made the material interesting. This is why I went to his workshop rather than the lecture hall which was terribly boring.   Usually, it is the classes that don’t interest the student that turn them off. For example, a teaching major is going to be completely bored of a stupid business class they don’t want to take. Of course, it is for me in some situations a lack of sleep since that is when I get most of my hanging out and fun done in the prime of the night.

           I prefer group discussions because they keep everyone in the class engaged, and it is a better way for everyone in the class to get to know each other. I feel that each one has its own objective, for example, lectures are for much larger classes or subjects with no substance where it is impossible to involve the whole class. In my opinion, you involve more senses into the learning process by having a group discussion, which allows a wider range of ability to retain information and learn.

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